Do you know the unwholesome aspects of iodined Food in Germany?


Do you know…?




Do you know the unwholesome aspects of iodined Food and iodined air in Germany?


In most of the cases German food is iodined, although iodined food does not agree with many People, for exampel: people with  iodine-allergy, people with thyreoid diseases, people with mental depression,  people with aggression, pregnant women, people with cancer, and many deseases more. 



Silberjodid is dangerous for your health!


Since several years in Germany is iodined rain and iodined air possible because of "Silberjodid".

"Silberjodid" is very dangerous für your health, for instance it  makes suffocation and rashes and thyreoid diseases.


In Germany food, rain and air is often iodined.


Look now, how iodine is injurious to health:


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes impotence?


 Do you know, that iodine increases the chance, to develop cancer?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes thyreoid diseases ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes  mental depression ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes sterility?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes aggression ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes acne ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes iodine-allergy ?  


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes  heart disease  and heart attacks ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes goître ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes osteoporosis ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes respiratory disease ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes hardening of the arteries ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes diabetes ?


 Do you know, that iodine very often causes tuberculosis ?  


Do you know, that in Germany the rain and air may be iodined because of "Silberjodid"?


Silberjodid is dangerous for your health.


Silberjodid can make for instance suffocation, rashes and thyreoid diseases.



These are only a few – not all! -  aspects of iodined detrimental to one`s health, which very often are unknown to the people and tourists, who visit Germany.


Copyright by Dagmar Braunschweig-Pauli M.A., Sprecherin Deutsche SHG der Jodallergiker, Morbus Basedow- und Hyperthyreosekranken, 25.11.2024.